Thursday, October 1, 2009

Double dealing... and poker mishaps from 1977...

This case is very personal to me. Because it happened to me...

Exactly 32 years ago I lost a hand at black jack aboard a river casino... but something was as fishy as the waters beneath us. I looked around but couldn't figure it out... was someone at the table cheating?

It never occurred to me that it might be the dealer... but then he dealt me a whole stack of evidence when I saw him at his retirement home last Sunday. He was talking to another old man... who looked like a crime boss. I should know a fiery old criminal when I see one... my name's Henry Flame.

I approached the old dealer.

"You cheated me old man! You cheated me for the mob!"

He stared at me sullenly... or maybe it was confusedly... I think it was confusedly.


"You cheated me! You cheated me at black jack!"

"I don't think I did... I haven't played black jack for..."

"32 years." I finished his thought. 1977 was my year.

Anyway, I yelled at him for a while, and finally he coughed up the $5 he cheated me out of so long ago... he claims he doesn't remember... he also claims that I'm a mad man for holding a ridiculous grudge for 32 years.

Is it a grudge? Or is it justice.

My crime solving streak continued... The fall of Roman... only leads to my success.

1 comment:

  1. I maintain you cheated yourself at blackjack. You private eyes and your dames and your tan trenchcoats and your deep voiced-monologues as the camera pans over the city and your interruption of a simple working man's life on a riverboat.

    I also maintain that Big Tony was uninvolved in that drive by Thompsoning of your office. That must have been you too. Yeah, see?

    -Roman (not the one that assaults small children,the other one. You know, from college. There was this one time we were in Harper Joy, and a Moose bit my sister...)
